Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hunger Games

Okay to start off, If your name is Katy and you have a sister named Emily who loves hunger games and is my friend please tell Emily to read this... And if your name is Emily and you have a sister named Katy and you love the hunger games and you are my friend I expect you to read this at least and hopefully keep reading my blog.! ;) So my friends, Emily in particular, told me how awesome he Hunger Games were and told me to read them. When I asked what they were about, I had no idea, they told my it was kinda like a roman collisium, (forgive my spelling if I spelled that wrong) only much, much better. Well I don't know about you but I didn't enjoy learning about things like the collisium in history so the books didn't sound appealing and I said I would never read them. And I didn't for a while but then I thought I shouldn't judge the books until I have read them so when my family and I were at Costco we picked up the first book (Hunger Games) and I decided I would read it after I finished the book I was reading. I was reading book three of the Kari and Lucas Series which are mysteries and I would recommend them to anybody. They are Awesome!!! There are three books so far: The Mystery of the Third Lucretia, Rescuing Seneca Crane(this book has nothing to do with the hunger games for those of you who may be reading), and Adventure at Simba Hill. I like them because the author is from Saint Paul MN and because the stars of the book live here too.! You should read them. :) Anyways back to Hunger Games. So when I finished my book I started to read the Hunger Games. I read a few chapters in and wondered why everyone loved them sooooooo much. Well as I read I found out and soon enough Incouldn't put the book down for my life it was that good.! Well I started to reach the end of the first book so I went to Barnes and Noble and got the second book(Catching Fire). Well after we went to Barnes and Noble we went to half price books and guess what they had there. Catching fire for half price! Well I had already written my name in the one I had so it was too late but go figure. ;) I just decided to enjoy my book. :) So the next day was a Saturday and I decided to read. So I finished the last chapter of the Hunger Games and started Catching fire. Mind you I only stopped reading to go down, have Lucy, come back up and start reading. I read for a total of 9 hours that day.!!!!!! Best Saturday ever! :) After that Mega reading day I got a little depressed wih the book if you've read it you know why and stopped reading for a lite while. I couldn't help wondering what happens though so I started to read again and again I couldn't put it down.! Well then I got Mockingjay(the third and final book of the hunger games) for my birthday. Thank you Mommy and Daddy. :) One day I was reading it and I read for six hours straight.! They are that good.! My mom likes them too. She pretends she doesn't love them but I know she does. My dad even said later that he couldn't believe how fast I read through those and said they must be pretty good. So if you are looking for a good book to read start the Hunger Games Series or the Kari and Lucas Series. Thanks, Pie- ;)

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