Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Some of my "Art"

Hi Guys, I thought if you were going to read some of the stuff I've written I thought I would start with something fun. :) Here is my fractured fairy tale. It is a take off of sleeping Beauty. Enjoy... Once upon a time, in the city of Los Angeles there was a man and a woman. They had a baby girl and named her Aurora. They named her after the rising sun, for she filled their life with sunshine. Stephen and Leah King threw a party and invited all of their friends and family to celebrate the birth of Aurora. Among the people at the party were Hugh Berter, one of  Stephen’s best friends, and his son, Phil. Leah’s three sisters, Flora, Fanny, and Mary, who were excellent drivers, were also there. They were all there to give gifts to Aurora. Before Mary could give her gift, Leah’s great-aunt Margaret, a cold and selfish person from Alaska, came and left only a card that foretold on Aurora’s sixteenth birthday a huge snowstorm would come and it would be cold winter forever in Los Angeles. Thankfully, Mary hadn’t given her gift yet and she foretold that instead of winter forever it would only be winter until Aurora passed her driver’s test and got her driver’s license. Then, the winter would go away and the snow would melt.   Concerned that Aurora would not pass her driver’s test because her parents were not good drivers, the three sisters asked Stephen and Leah to let them take  Aurora and start to prepare her for the test which would be on her sixteenth birthday. The Kings agreed and the three sisters taught and prepared Aurora for sixteen years. Through doing this, they hoped Aurora would pass her driver’s test and make sure winter went away. On her birthday, Aurora met a young man, Phil, Hugh Berter’s son, right before she took her driver’s test and she fell deeply in love. Because she loved Phil so much, he was all she could think about and because he was the only thing on her mind she failed her test. Winter came fast and furious and no one, not one person, knew how to shovel or plow and no one had clothes for winter. Since no one knew how to plow, people couldn’t get out to the store to buy clothes or shovels. Since they couldn’t get out to do anything, the people of Los Angeles bunkered down and watched TV.  The only person in all of the city who knew how to plow and shovel was Phil, Hugh Berter’s son. He was trying to get to the place where the city had one plow in storage in case of  snow. Before he got there, Margaret’s ex-husband kidnapped Phil  and brought him to a warehouse and tied him up. Margaret had wanted him kidnapped so that he could never plow the road. Aurora, who was refocussed by the cold, couldn’t retake her driver’s test until the roads were plowed. Wicked Aunt Margaret didn’t know it but Flora, Fanny, and Mary were on their way to the warehouse where Phil was tied up to free him. After they untied Phil, Margaret’s ex-husband tried to hold the door closed but Phil was stronger and pushed it open. Margaret, who didn’t think her ex-husband could stop Phil if he was freed, had poured water all over the road to make it icy. Sliding on their tummies, the three sisters and Phil managed to get across the part of the road on which Margaret had poured water. After they got across, they started to run. It was a few minutes after they started to run when a blizzard started around them. They walked in the blizzard for a few minutes. Eventually, they knew they needed to stop and take shelter in a small house by the side of the road. After hiding in the house for a while, Mary bumped something and it fell over with a clang. Phil picked it up, and to all of their delight, it was a shovel. Now they could shovel their way to the snow plow and then Aurora could take her driver’s test again! Before they made it to the plow, they had to get across a river, but the bridge was up, and Margaret stood in front of it. When Phil tried to get past Margaret to check out the bridge, and the water, and see if there was any other way across, Margaret pushed Phil back and stood in his way. Phil tried again to pass Margaret but she stood in his way. When he tried to go around her, she tried to push him again. Instead of pushing him back, away from the water, he stood firm and she pushed herself off the bank and into the river. Her cold soul froze the river immediately and the three sisters and Phil crossed safely. They all made it to the snow plow and Phil plowed the roads so Aurora could take her Driver’s test. When she took the test she aced it with a perfect score and the winter weather went away. Aurora was given her driver’s license and her story was in newspapers all over the country. As for Phil, he and Aurora ended up going to the same college, started dating, fell in love, and got married. Surprisingly they had a double wedding because Fanny fell in love with Margaret’s ex-husband. The wedding was called the “double wedding of the century” and it was also in newspapers all over the country. Soon after, Aurora and Phil had a baby girl who they named Brianna Rose and they all lived happily ever after.                      -The End-  I got an A on that! :) Did you like? I hope you did because I made that up all by myself. Okay, okay my mom helped a little. Okay she helped a lot, but I wanted to do sleeping beauty and I wrote it so I did good. Thanks Mom. I love you. I love you all too. Blog you later. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Very, very nice, Greta. It was intriguing, and I think it would sell as a popular children's book! You earned that A. =)
