Thursday, June 28, 2012

Strawberries!!!!! Recap ;)

Hey everybody, I wanted to tell you how the bread turned out! It tasted really good but it tasted more like cinnamon bread rather than strawberry bread.? I don't know. Well after my mom had made 3-4 batches of strawberry jam and I had made my bread we still had lots of strawberries left. Almost 1/3 of our strawberries weren't used yet.! So we were craving strawberry pie all day but my mom wanted to make jam so whatever. Then when we had so many left, and she was sick of making jam, we made two strawberry pies! :) They tasted really good. However I am sick and tired of cutting strawberries so I don't plan on doing anymore for a while. ;) I'll blog you later but for now I have to go because we are bringing my sissy somewhere. By Love you all, Pie- P.S. For those of you who know my email and you want the recipe for the strawberry pie we made please ask because it literally took like 15 to do everything and put it in th oven! My mom and I were really tired. ;)

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